This application is designed for both patients and osteopaths.OSTEOPRATIC is the first application in France to put patients in touch with DO osteopaths only (practitioners from schools with strict rules and teaching in minimum 5 full-time, recognized and validated by State decrees, registered with the RNCP - national directory of professional certifications).PatientsIn a few quick and easy clicks, whatever the time of day and wherever you are, find a trusted osteopath or make an appointment with your usual osteopath.Benefits :guaranteed to be dealing with an osteopath D.O.viewing the osteopaths profile - specialties, prices, locationimmediate confirmation of the appointmentreceipt of a confirmation email with the possibility of adding the appointment in the calendar of your smartphoneintegrated navigation system to reach your osteopaths officepossibility of making urgent requests (called "express") or home consultation requestsPractitionersIn a few quick and simple clicks, manage your schedule and your appointments without having to pick up your phone.Benefits :referencing and ethics of our profession (only osteopaths D.O.)increased visibilityvisibility of the schedule by the programmable patients and differentiation of odd and even weeks if necessarypossibility of setting up appointments at the office and / or at homemanagement of urgent requests (express appointments) with creation of a waiting listSimplicity + Visibility = ConvenienceSEO + Quality = EthicsExpertise + Strategy = EconomicOSTEOPRATIC! Make the good choice.